Question about older AT LS580 Cartridge

Just got a nice used Thorens TD 160 that I am going to mod out and it came with an Audio Technica LS580/LT cartridge with a broken stylus. Does anyone know anything about this cart? Retip is about $45 and was wondering if it is worth it.
Sorry this does not answer your question but..
you might want to buy the new AT MLa 440 at for $99 instead, a really nice cartridge for the price.
The "Lab Series" Audio Technica's were good cartridges and came out in the mid-80's just before or during the introduction of the CD. Some of them are near the top of the line of AT's cartridge line.

I'm not personally aware of the LS580, but the LS500 is a very good cartridge.

The $45 stylus replacement you mention is an off-brand piece of junk. It will fit, but not do the cartridge justice. It's not worth $45, that's for sure. However, the stylus you really need is an Audio Technica brand for the LS580 and you'll not only have a hard time finding one, it will be very expensive -- about 3 times more than the junk one you see on the web. However, I've looked and I doubt you'll find one.

Trust me, you don't want to spend $45 on that stylus. Your cartridge body is worth using, but not with such an inferior stylus it would be wasting your money.

You are better off giving up on that cartridge and getting a new AT440ML. It's a very good cartridge and doesn't cost much more than the $45 that the junk replacement stylus costs.

It is possible that the AT440ML stylus would fit the LS580. I know of other AT carts that this is true for.
Thanks for your help. I looked at needledoctor and the 440mla is listed at $199 rather than $99 like Philjolet posted. Is there a site that sells them for less? And what about other carts within the same price range i.e. denon dl 103 or 160, Ortofon Super OM 20/30, Grado Red/Silver. Thanks again, Im new to all this.

I apologize for the mistake. They were $99 for a long time even though they were listed at $219. I see they are charging more now and did not find any more at the old $99 price through a google search.