Quad 2905 amp matching

I have heard that driving electrostatics with even large amps from Treshold or Pass can be a problem to match.
Any thoughts or better still experience in this matter?
I heard the 2905s being driven by 12 watts of pushpull triode power. They sounded terrific. Like any good speaker, the quality of watts delivered matters, not just quantity. This is not a head-banger speaker anyway, so the emphasis should be on the quality of the first few watts where 99% of listening will take place.

I feel safe in predicting that 50 watts is more than enough for any application where these speakers would be suitable. If you need more volume, you need a different speaker.
I have the Quad 2805 speakers and use a Mc275 (75 wpc) and a Rogue Cronus (30 wpc in triode). Both drive the Quads great although the Mc275 fills my 20 X 40 listening room better.

When I had a smaller listening room, the 30 wpc Cronus did just fine.

I have a pair of 2805 and I drive them with the Mac 2102, which has 100 watts. The pre amp is the Mac 2200. I have yet to hit the protection circuit, and I have driven to levels that are to loud for my 16 xs 20 room. Quad reccommends no more than 100 watts. Additionally, I have a pair of Threshold SA 2, which provide 100 watts and about 65 amps of current. I had no problem driving the Quads, but the Thresholds were significantly darker than the Mac. A more modern solid state amp may be a good match, but there is something about tubes and electrostatics.