Pyramid/Sequerra T-1 Tweeter

I recently bought what was advertised as a "Sequerra T1 MK IV" tweeter. What I got is a Pyramid Loudspeaker Corporation T-1" ribbon tweeter. Can anyone tell me anything about this tweet? I know that Sequerra designed for Pyramid at one time. Do I have a Sequerra T-1 MK 1 ( the tweet says "patent pending' so I assume it's pretty old)? Or did Sequerra start his own line of T-1 tweeters? Any info on age or history would be appreciated. Regards, David
I thought I had read on his website a while back, that those were like $2000 a piece? I could be mistaken. I've not heard or seen these, and I apologize for asking. Was just curious if this is what you have. If so, is it that much better than less costly units?
The current model (Sequerra T-1 Mk IV) retail for $4500/pair on the Sequerra web site. Mine were manufactured by the Pyramid Loudspeaker Corp which I assume is out of business since I can't find any reference to them on audio sites. I haven't listened to a lot of ribbons and can't give an opinion on relative prices. These sould fabulous. I have Scanspeak tweeters on my speakers (Nova Audio Rendition) and the Pyramids edge them out for clarity.
I'll be happy to take those nasty old Renditions off your hands for chump change, since maybe you can't bear to hear or see them anymore? (Repeat after me: "My Rosewood finish seems dated to me, I must get rid of these speakers before the audio fashion police book me!"!)..................I also have the Scanspeak Revelator tweeters for one of my unfinished two-way projects, and IMO they're the best dome tweeters in existence for overall performance (I've heard most of the rest). I hope I never become so jaded that I would even begin to scoff at something like a Nova Rendition! IMO, even the Genesis ribbon tweeters aren't as good as the Revelator (I haven't heard their bigger line arrays thoguh, only the smaller systems), not near as dynamic or life-like...................But, all the best to you and your listening pleasure anyway, though! I enjoy my much less costly system, but would love to borrow your Nova Renditions if you're in my area (i.e., where I could truck them myself). MIND YOU, I AM DREAMING HERE...but it's a nice dream. Happy listening, enjoy your speakers!
Sequerra made a speaker called the Metronome which was pyramid shaped to eliminate parallel sides. Thus, the pyramid name. He then marketed a speaker called the Metronome pyramid which in its base design had, even for that time a inexpensive minimonitor that was primarily a midrange monitor but worked quite well as a stand alone bookshelf speaker called the Met 7. To this could be added a woofer unit that it could sit on and what was considered one of the sweetest tweeters on the market, a Sequerra ribbon tweeter. I believe it came out in the early 80's. Todays Sequerra speaker is a evolution of this original design now, of course, much more expensive and more refined. This tweeter may be what you bought.