Pure music glitch?

I have pure music installed on my mac mini. Everything goes well until it won't play the next song. It shows up on my itouch, but just won't play. I have to close the pure music app and then restart it. It will then play for awhile{ 20-30 min} then does it again. Anybody else have these problems?
I'd like to make a suggestion that has worked for me with unexpected hitches, hiccups, and dropouts with Pure Music as well as Fidelia. Before starting the music player software, I turn off the MacMini's Air Port link with my wifi. The usual things, such as turning off sleep mode, screen saver, etc. have already been done.

Hope this helps.

:) listening,

@Streetdaddy - I've been using PM for a few months now. I was having those same issues. PM won't play the next song if you're ripping CD's to ITunes, or doing any kind of 'tinkering' in ITunes. For some reason, it stops play after the current track finishes. This won't happen if you leave ITunes alone while listening to music. Hope that works for you, it did for me.
Also, and I know this is heresy, but if you have any iTunes purchased Protected AACs, PM won't play them, and sometimes won't advance to the next track.
Binar....after much headache( and a consult with PM) we figured this was the
problem. I have had to disable those DRM tracks. If you try to play them it won't
let you play the next song, making you have to close the PM app and restart it
for it to work again.
Now since i unchecked them, it has been working flawlessly.