Pure Class A amps above 100 Watts?

What are the best options in Pure Class A amps above at least 100 watts in 8 ohms? The ones I know of are:

1) Pass Labs XA100.5
2) Pass Labs XA100.8 (and above)
3) Accuphase A-200
4) Soulution 530

Any others? Im trying to keep it under $10K, which the first two options can be had for used.

125wpc Class A. 400wpc AB.

Sorry Mike impossible, a 400w Class-A/B amp with 125w of Class-A bias would have to have heatsinking 10 x more of what they have on this.

At a guess that heatsink with the rail volts needed for 400w a/b, could accommodate at most around 20-30watt of Class-A, without any serious fan forced cooling.
As the rail volts go up for more A/B wattage, the Class-A heat factor to be dissipated goes up exponentially for each watt of class-A

I built a 200w A/B amp that had 150w of Class-A bias, the only way was to water cool it. It was the size of a coffee table, and a 2 man lift.

Cheers George
A Krell KSA 300 is a bad idea unless you are fond of rebuilding output stages.
125wpc Class A. 400wpc Class A/B.
This is misinformation that still continues today. I own the amp, so I’ve researched it thoroughly.

Class A output is 2.7 wpc RMS and 5.4 wpc peak.

This was a sales marketing error!! The 125wpc is draw when at idle.
Hands down that would be the Krell Duo 300 iBias.  Delivers 300 watts Class A power but without the heat typically associated such beasts. And only draws like 2 or 3 watts in standby! It’s a wonderfully sounding amp that at last Look was $9,500. But there are dealers out there who will work magic in trades to net it down. It would be my top choice for the money. I have two of them.