PS Audio PP300 works great, but......

Seasons greetings. I hooked up my brand new PP300 last night. If I listen critically and technically, I can clearly state that it does EVERYTHING they say it does. Much blacker background, Much tighter bass, Much greater detail and instrument space. However, even though all of these things are done better than I ever imagined, I find the music to be less involving. Has anybody else had this experience? Will it get better with break-in? I don't want to give up all of these benefits, but I want my musicality back. FYI: Sonic Frontiers T3/P3, BAT VK5i, BAT VK500, Dynaudio Confidence 5.
I have a PS600 and originally thought I could only plug my front end and preamp in. I have a CEC Transport, a Dodson DAC and a BAT VK5i preamp. I then plugged my Plinius SA 100 amp in and turned it on class A mode. I half expected the P600 to go tilt, but it has not. The amber light comes on and I have gone up to 630 watts on occasion, but the 700 watt capacity seems to handle everything quite well. I am driving Epos 22 speakers, triwired.
I have a BAT VK-50SE and it is definitely too much of a load for a P300. I have purchased a P600 and I can tell you that in my system, it made a huge difference, and the only thing plugged into it is the BAT. I have a P300 that all the digital stuff is plugged into. My guess is that you are overloading the P300 with all you have plugged into it - not to the point of tripping, but to the point of "choking" it. I would receommed the BAT directly into the wall or, into a second P300 to let the system "breathe" better.
I was underwhelmed by the PS300. However, I decided that the remedy was to upgrade to the PS600. That was a whole different story. Everything improved, including musicality, the improvement was not subtle. The PS600 remains one of the most rewarding additions to my system. Now it is difficutlt to say exactly what the source of the improvement was, my P300 was without multiwave and the 600 had multiwave. I understand that the multiwave circuit cuts distortion in half. The improvement may have been the added headroom of the 600, the multiwave kit or a combination.
Rkelly - Confused how you were "underwhelmed" by the P300 yet find the P600 "a whole different story". Within the operating range of the P300, the sonic effects of a powerplant on a system are identical. Yes, Multiwave will make an improvement and this is probably what you heard.
From my experience power cords make bigger difference then power conditioner. However, if you feel you done with power cords one possible way to bring your PS300 to life is give it better power cord. With you (correct) demend for high fidelity to , as I understand real or acoustic sound, try Electraglide Fatboy, Copper conductors, Gold terminations, I also heard from friends whose opinion I trust that FIM cable is good.