PS Audio GCC-100 or Bel Canto s300ui integrated?

Looking for a very good integrated for a second system at a vacation house. Not sure which speakers.....probably some Audio Physic Sparks or something else with a small footprint.
I have owned the PS Audio Power HCA2 Amp and then went to my current Bel Canto M300s, by far the better AMP(s) for my system are the Bel Cantos monoblocks hands down, however, I believe the PS Audio int amp you mention above is a newer design...
I had both of these units. The bass is better with the GCC 100 but the BC S300iu will image better. The small size of the BC is impressive but the PS gear has better build quality. If you end up going with PS Audio get the GCC 250. It's significantly better than the GCC 100 and it images really well. The BC seperates are excellent but are expensive.
Good info guys, thanks. Anyone know about the DAC in the Bel Canto? INtriguing, considering that I have 65,000 songs on a couple of hard-drives in one of my computers. Better than a SQueezebox i would assume?????? Any thoughts?