Proceed AVP-2, Did they fix the glitches?

I'm considering upgrading from my B&K Ref 30 pre/pro basically just to get better overall sound quality, adding the ability to use balanced connections (not included on the B&K). However, the B&K bass management, speaker configuration and memorization for each source is very cool and something I don't want to be without. Through recommendations from dealers and fellow audiogoners, I've narrowed it to the Proceed AVP-2 or the Theta Casablanca 2. I want to keep the cost under 10K.

The Proceed seems great and user friendly but I'm not quite clear if its got the capability to do the things I've mentioned above. I also noticed comments of glitches on the original AVP i.e. cutting off the first bit of each song on a CD with digital sources, losing the DTS output when putting your DVD on pause (causing you to go back to re-set up the audio from the start and then relocate where you were in the movie). My B&K has been flawless. I don't want to spend more money for those type problems. By the way, I only intend to use 5.1 surround. Also, I am extremely into the audio part and am forced to use my system for both (no room for two)

I would love your input about any of this and would welcome suggestions for better pre/processors out there.
Well, you're in luck. I've owned both the B&K Ref-30 and the Proceed AVP.

I wanted to jump to an audio/video processor and figured the B&K had the most for the money. However, once I got it home I was not all that impressed with the sonic qualities. Previously I had a CJ PV12 in my 2-ch system. The B&K went back to the store and I took home the Proceed AVP. I must respectfully disagree with the poster above. I find the AVP to be sonically a superior pre-amp to many of its competitors--and quite a bit better than the B&K. And with the AVP-2 I read there will be an improved volume control assembly and better processors. As for the "glitches" the AVP suffers from, I do believe Proceed will address them. However, after tinkering with my AVP I was able to eliminate the "resetting" syndrome when putting the DVD on pause. I faced the same dilemma you did. The B&K is obviously a bells and whistles powerhouse, but lacking sonically. The AVP, while having great sound, does have a few drawbacks. For me, once I listened to the AVP my fears melted away. Try one as a demo in your home. Not sure when the AVP-2 will be out, but I've read that it is going to be fully up-to-date. Good luck with your purchase.
Unfortunately, even the new AVP-2 does not use as good of quality D/A conversion in all other channels as it does the front two channels. Also it does not provide balanced/XLR outputs for the rear channels. For me, I have decided that these shortcomings are unexcusable in the AVP-2's price range. The Theta Casablanca II has better sound, can be "custom configured" for your needs, and will likely be more easily upgraded over time, but it is not the most "user friendly." You should also consider the Lexicon MC-12B which is simple to deal with & is of very high quality. As for the Classe SSP-75, it has an analog section that is beyond comparison, far better than any other surround processor on the market, however, it is lacking considerably in its digital processing capabilities. Again, at the Classe's price range, you should be able to have nearly everything approaching state of the art. There are others to consider as well, but to keep this short, I would simply suggest a detailed investigation of the Theta and Lexicon, and make a choice (or you could wait a little while for developments in this product category as it is changing rapidly...I would be willing to bet that Classe has a new surround processor in the works that will add state of the art digital processing to their excellent analog section). Good Luck!
I had a B&K 20 and recently changed to a older PAV/PDSD setup. The sound is way better than the B&K, though the B&K was flawless use. I do have a few glithes with the proceed which I find frustrating, but for the sound quality its worth the hassles.
Hi I just got upgrade form a B&K 3090AVP and st 1430 amp. and st 140 amp very good amps. But I move up to the Proceed AVP and the amp2 and Amp 3. The proceed eats up the B&K. Great audio and vidio to.