ProAc, Snell, Soliliquy, Spendor, Totem

AAARRRGGGGGHHHH! I am trying to compare the ProAc Tablette 2000, Snell D, Solil. 5.0, Spendor S1, Totem Rokk and Coincident Triumph/Partial Eclipse but I don't have the time to run around the world to a million different dealers (I can't find one that even has more than 2 of these labels in house) and listen to several different sets of electronics giving me unbalanced/uneven illustrations. If there is someone who can give guidance, plus or minus considerations, things like that, may be I can reduce this target list somewhat. Thanks.
I too would drop snell from the list, and probably totem. I'd say Proac & Soliliquy were a couple good choices. I've never heard the Spendors, although of course have heard good things about them. I wound up getting a pair of Meadowlark Shearwaters over the comporable ($) models from ProAc. JMHO, Jay
Add me to the ProAc preferers. Did do side by each comparison of the ProAcs and the Spendors, ProAc just out and out whupped 'em. Coincidents are right up there, but I'd still go ProAc there, as well. Like Jay above, I wound up with something completely different, but you didn't ask that, and you've got enough to choose from without another 20 additions!

Good Luck
Regardless of budget the Proac Tablette 2000 is one of my favourite small loudspeakers,you just must hear them
I have both the Totem 1 and ProAc 1sc and have to agree that the ProAc have the most natural and non fatiguing sound of the two. Both are good but the ProAcs sound the best.