Proac owners......advice please

I am runinng an all solid state Electrocompaniet system; DMB 120, 4.7 Pre & EMC MKII. I recently purchased a pair of Proac 2.5's.

I will tell you that the speakers now have about fifty hours on them. Cabling is all Nordost Red Dawn at this time. The room size is approx 17'x 24', with a 12' cathedral ceiling. The good; we have big sound stage, we have wonderful mid range with very good rhythm & pace. Please play the Dixie Chicks again!
The not so good; The bass gets dominant from time to time. I won't say that it's boomy; it's like blowing a low note through an empty paper towel holder. The highs or vocals during the playback are just not on the same level when this happens, & my ear goes straight to the bass. I might add that the vocals could be a little smoother. Maybe my room is the problem? Maybe the speakers need more break-in time?
Before I consider room treatments & the likem,has anyone experienced a similar situation or could you suggest a different cabling option? I am fairly new at high end I really need someone that is famliar with these speakers or has owned solid state with the Proac's- what have you done to get the best possible sound out of them?
I know many of many of you state that Proac's sound is the best with tubes --and ARC is also a great match. I did try an ARC LS 16 pre this week with my amp, but the match wasn't that great. I do think that I would like to stay with solid state for a while, but I am hoping that you can make suggestions about how to achieve a better sound quality with my current components or alternatives that will enhance it. Thanks!
Drubin...thanks for the response & yes the spikes are in. I will heed your advice concerning chasing cables but, I am in need of a balanced pair of interconnects from the Electo EMC cdp player to pre. I am running single ended now & balanced makes a big difference (for the better) with these components.
Horn blower....I can relate to what you are asking/saying. I will say & I am sure that most would agree, that an in home trial with your electronics, is one of the best deciding factors. I did not have the option due to the store's policy.

I will say that honestly I am very pleased with my purchase. I had listened to about ten different speakers before deciding on the ProAc's; some were to bright, some were very analytical & a couple were very bland. It was the ProAc that caught my ear, they are very musical speakers & sounded the best with the type of music that I listen to.

Concerning the bass.....I do hope that it changes as the break-in period continues. Could I live with them if it does not....the answer is absolutely yes!
Plummy bass Asa? May I suggest upgrading your amp. as the 2.5 is a very demanding spk. She happens to reproduce one of the best true to life bass in it's price range. Just make sure there are enough breathing room for the rear port of the speaker: side >1.5 ft. rear >2 ft. You can reduce the boom by placing them away from the back wall. If using single spk cable, connect the red to the top and the black to the bottom i.e. cross, then use silver jumper. Slightly toe-in until optimal. You will be suprise how much quality cabling and high current amp. can bring out the best of the spk. i.e. double bass. Finally about 800 hrs. breakin.