PrimaLuna EVO 100 DAC

I read several members have one. Would like to find out what do you think about it now that you have had it for awhile?

Thank you

I have had one for almost a year and agree with esky1979 and k600r.I can't really add much except to say that
I enjoy listening to my music through this DAC very much.
While I don't have the PL 100 DAC, I do have the PL Prologue 8 CD player running into a Lampizator Amber 3 DAC via the S/PDIF connection and can say that this is the best I've ever heard digital sound! Lush, 3D spooky soundstage with bass to bust balls. I got the Amber 3 with volume control so this allows a direct connection to my amp. Let me put it this way, I have not played vinyl much since I got the Amber 3...


I had a Moon 280D for about 2 weeks dac was good but didn't like the mind software...

So decided to try a PL dac, an yes much better now my question is to witch streamer transport would you pair it?

I was first thinking Aurender N100H or even N150 the dealer says it doesn't match well something with the first note an gapless play back
So the other options I'm thinking about are 

Auralic Aries G1



Dont really now what to chose or whats best, I know it's subjective 

But what did PL dac users chooses here ? I will look in to all suggestions

Thanks :-)