Primaluna and Rogue

Hey all, I've done a lot of reading on the Rogue Audio and Primaluna gear. I Like what I've read, and I actually heard the m150's a while back and came away impressed. I have not personally listened to any Primaluna gear.

Do any of you have thoughts either way? I'm looking at Prologue 6 & 7, vs. Rouges m120 and M150. A lot will have to do with what becomes available on Audiogon, but I am prepared to purchase Prologue 6 new if necessary. Thanks
Ok , if you do not have a particular type of sound in mind then you should address what amps work well with your speakers . In this instance , some will be better than others .

What amp does the manufacturer use to design their speakers ? And again , what do other owners of your speaker have success with ?

I would also recommend that you start with an integrated amp . They are cheaper and easier to move in and out .

I seem to remember one review for the Viper II , the manufacturer stating that he liked the ASL Hurricane . I am not sure how reliable they are but it could be a starting place . Or if you like the Rogue then try their integrated .

Start some place and then make moves from there . Just watch out for that merry-go-round ride !

Good luck .
Mordante, integrateds are not out of the question. If I can get a a quality integrated with the power to suit my speakers, I would have no problem with that. My only concern with tube integrateds is that I really don't know how much tube power would be enough to properly drive the Nolas, and many of them in my price range seem to have a rating of 60 watts or less. So I can use some feedback in that area if you have some suggestions. However, I have read some positive reviews on the Cronus, Primaluna integrated, Vincent, Primare and Musical Fidelity, but I'm still researching.

Regarding tubes, one of the primary reasons that I am considering them is just about everything I read about Nola/Alon speakers, from owners and reviewers alike, the overwhelming sentiment has been that these speakers prefer or sound best, or have been voiced with tube amplication. I've read that the owner of Nola personally uses the ASL Hurricane. So that is my reason for looking into tubes, and I believe that going with separates, a tube preamp and ss poweramp, may give me the best of both worlds.

Saki, I hope the above addressed some of your questions. Regarding budget, it really depends what I can get on the used market. If I can get a quality power amp for a $1,000 or less, I would strongly consider buying a new Rogue Perseus or some other tube pre with a phono stage. That said, a pair of Rogue M150's at the right price would find a new home in my system, and I would just have to wait and save for the preamp at that point.
I have a Rogue Eight-Eight Magnum power amp. My other basic components are Manley Shrimp preamp and Rogue Stealth phono preamp. My Rogue components are quality gear and sound nice.
Though I haven't heard the Primaluna, I'm sure you can't go wrong with the M150s or something in the equivalent price range by Primaluna. If your speakers retail for over $10,000 you should be able to budget $1000-$2000 for your preamp and then again the same for the amp (look for used!) and you'll be happy.
If I were you I'd select a couple different options and await whichever becomes available and pull the trigger.
You might also consider the Manley Preamp, by the way. I've been very happy with it.
I also listen to lots of different styles of music myself, including poorly recorded music. I can't emphasize enough how much speaker placement can help adjust the sound from your listening position. If you can find one of the very rare tube pre-amps available with tone control (treble, bass) you can tune things even more to your liking.
Another reason for my suggesting an integrated is to avoid a preamp/amp mismatch .
I can't speak to all of your choices but in regards to the Primaluna pieces , they have an unusually high impedance requirement .
This can be a problem when you start mixing companies components . Some will play nice with each other and some will not .
This can be a reason why a user of a particular piece will denegrate it but many others will hold that piece in high regard .

Something else to consider .
Rogues have more power because they run the crap out of the tubes.  The PrimaLunas do have superior output transformers which take the load off of their tubes which causes them to last longer..