Preamp for Job 225

So I was wondering what some good preamp options are for the Job 225. I am considering passive or active but it has to have a remote with good volume control. I would prefer a passive one, but I am wondering what peoples experiences have been. I am consider the LD3 from Tortuga, AkustYk with remote option, CI PLC•1 MKII Remote Passive Line Controller, and the Emotiva XSP-1 Gen 2. If any one else has any suggestions or wants to sell me something I would appreciate the feedback.
I use the W4S STP/SE and the pairing sounds great! BTW, the input impedance is 61k, so I would not characterize it as "low". Also, I am seriously thinking about going for the Stage 2 upgrade.
Almost forgot...Job will have a preamp out by June 15 and obviously that will be a good pairing.
Grk - I'd be interested in knowing whether you're "fronting" the Job with a "stock" STP-SE, or the W4S Stage 1 upgrade package. I just settled on the STP-SE yesterday and ordered one from Walter at Underwood. There's too many moving parts with my system currently to have afforded upgrades at this juncture, but it's always inspirational to know there's "room for improvement" without breaking-the-bank on much pricier gear.

I haven't checked in on this forum for awhile. I am using the stock stp/se, however, I have been considering trying the Underwood or W4S upgrades. OTH, I have also been changing cables, so my bank account is a bit low right now.