Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.

Showing 50 responses by slowhand

I believe the "towers" behind the regulator tubes are just decorative. At one time they housed the transformers, but I think the tranformers are now inside the preamp. Mick left the towers because he liked the looks.
Hi guys, the Philips Mini Watt GZ34 tube that Jpms told us about earlier is the best rectifer that I have tried in my Syrah. I have been using a Bendix Redbank 6106, but compared to the mini watt the 6106 sounds kind of "dark". The philips tube has more top end energy. It is not bright mind you, but it gives cymbals more shimmer. The bass may not be as deep, but it has better definition than any rectifier that I have tried. This is a winner. Thanks Juan.

How does the GE 6sn7GTA compare to the GTB in sound? I have a guy that is putting together a pair of each for me. Would the GTA's be worth getting, or should I just stick with the GTB's?
Well guys, looks like I am back in the "waiting pool" with some of the new members of the Supratek club. I have ordered a Cortese from Mick! I do have the advantage of having my Syrah to listen to in the meantime, so the wait won't be near as bad as it was the first time around. I have ordered mine in the beautiful Sheoak wood base with the matte black top (Mick says his personal system is this same finish combo. If you have not seen the Sheoak yet, there is a picture of it at the bottom of the Gallery page on the Supratek website. I spoke to Mick recently and he said the latest phono stage setup for the Cortese is "amazing". I know this won't be a night and day difference between the Syrah and the Cortese, but I am ready to take the next step in the "Preamp of the Century" saga.
Has anyone recieved a Cortese from Mick recently? I understand that they come with a remote control volume. I am a little concerned with noise interference. Does anyone know what brand of volume control Mick is using now? Has anyone had this problem (my Syrah has a manual volume knob). I hope to be able to keep my Syrah long enough to do a side by side comparison of the two units. I am ordering mine with the 6sn7 based tube compliment.

Thanks for the info on the remote volume. Does anyone know where I can get a pair of Tung Sol 12B4A tubes?
Another question for Cortese owners. Do you prefer the 6sn7 linestage setup or the 6j5 linestage setup? I spoke with Ecclectique and he got his in the 6j5 setup. He feel it sounds great and that the tubes are much less expensive. Any other opinions?
Hi Gang,

I spoke to Mick and he personally prefers the 6SN7 setup in the Cortese so I am going to stick with that. I have 2 pr. of Tung Sol round plates and some other 6SN7's that I will use in the Cortese when I get it.
Hi Larry,

I am using a Phillips Miniwatt metal base GZ34 in the rectifier position. What brands do you recommend in the EL37 and can you tell me how tall this tube is? I have a height issue on the power supply in my rack. I just recieved a pair of Rogers 6F6G's from Ecclectique. He told me that they come within a hair of the sound of the WE350b's. I have never heard the WE350b's, but I can tell you that he has never steered me wrong. I loved these tubes from the very first note of music. They are very detailed with good dynamics, a huge soundstage and very good resolution of the music. I also use GEC KT66's. In contrast, the KT66's are warmer with a little fatter, but well controlled bass. I like the KT66's for some nice slow jazz. My favorite thing about Mick's preamps is how you can "voice" the sound to your liking or mood just by changing tubes. God, I love this hobby! Just a note, my nieces husband is a musician and after hearing both the KT66's and the 6F6G's he felt that the 6F6G's came a little closer to the sound of real instruments (especially guitar).

I live in Loveland, Ohio which is a suburb of Cincinnati. Where do you live?
Have any of you guys had a mono switch installed by Mick on your preamps. If so, did it improve the sound on mono LP's? I used to have an Audible Illusions preamp before my Supratek, which had a mono switch. It did improve the sound of mono LP's that I have. They just do not sound as good without it.
Mick told me that the newest Cortese also has two pair of regulators, one for the line and one for the phono stage. He is also direct coupling the tube phono stage eliminating all coupling capacitors for a much more 3D image.
I agree with Cello. The Tung Sol Black Glass round plates do magic in my Syrah that no other tubes do. My other tubes of choice are GEC KT66's and Rogers 6f6g's in the regulator (I have been rotating them), and Phillips miniwatt 5ar4 in the rectifer position.
Sorry, I meant to say Phillips miniwatt GZ34 in the rectifier position. Cello, what tubes do you recommend for the phono stage of the Cortese. I believe mine will have 6922's.

I am glad that the thread I started 2 and a half years ago has led you to the Supratek family. Welcome aboard!
Congratulations to both Mondie and Slipknot 1 on recieving your preamps. I have had my Syrah for about two and a half year (ever since I started the thread) and I still get excited every time I power my system up. I feel that all of my components are very good, but the Syrah is the heart and soul of my system. I am sure you guys will have a blast listening to your favorite music. Be sure to pass on the the new guys considering a Supratek that the wait is well worth it.
Sorlowski, I have a friend that owns a pair of Parasound JC-1's. They are very powerful (400 wpc) and have tons of current. He is using them with Soundlab M1's and they sound great (very close to the sound of tubes). They would have no problem running your Thiels.
Have you guys heard that Mick is working on a Tube DAC. If Mick is on the case, there may be hope for CD's yet.
My mistake guys, Mick did not say the DAC he is working on is a tube design. He did tell me it should sell for around $500. Sounds pretty exciting.

I heard the Ref 3 in a dealers showroom hooked to my Berning ZH270 tube amp. The speakers were not fully broken in, but they did sound very good. I already own the Gallo Ref 2's so I was not totally blown away (because I am used the the excellent sound of Gallo speakers). You will need to experiment with placing the woofers to the outside and the inside to determine which is better in your situation. I love my Gallo Ref 2's with my Berning amp and Supratek Syrah pre. This combo makes for a very fast and a very musical system. I have considered getting a pair of the Ref 3's, but I love the looks of my Ref 2's, so I am not sure if I will change speakers.
Well, I just recieved 2 more pair of Phillips miniwatt GZ34's. One pair is the metal base labeled Adzam (looks and sounds just like my other Phillips miniwatt(which is labeled Phillips Miniwatt). The other pair is the Phillips miniwatt GZ34 with black base (smooth plates, double getter). This should set me up for reciters for life. I only got to listen to the new tubes long enough to make sure they worked (they are a Christmas gift), but the black base tube sounds very good for less money than the metal base.

I can't belive this thread has gotten so big that Audiogon has had to seperate it into pages. WOW! Anyone out there expecting their preamps before Christmas? Mick told me that he has the new DAC on the back burner until after the first of the year, as he is trying to get as many preamps done before Christmas a he can.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's to all of you Supratek owners and to everyone who participates and enjoys this thread. Have a wonderful New Year!

Hi Slipknot1,

Glad to hear that you enjoy your Chenin so much. I have had my Syrah over 2 years and let me tell you, I still feel the same way that you feel after 2 months! You hit the nail on the head. The secret to truly enjoying this hobby is to be able to get absorbed in the music and not in the gear. This is why the Suprateks are loved by so many people.
A big thanks to all of you guys for making this thread so interesting. Please keep us informed on the Merlots Mondie. I would love to hear how they sound. What kind of speakers will you be using with them?
Great news Kenji,

Santa has been good to you this Christmas! Enjoy the Cabernet and let us know your impressions if you can pull yourself away from it.
Ella4ever, I have owned my Supratek Syrah for over 2 years and I have never had any kind of problem with it. It worked perfectly from the time I unpacked it and still works perfectly today. Mick builds these things like tanks! He states on his website that they are built to still be operating long after we are gone, and I believe him. If I were you, I would not hesitate buying a Supratek, but I am a happy owner so what else would I say? I have owned Audio Research equipment and it is good, but I did not find it to be as musically satisfying as my Supratek.
Thanks Ongkaku, enjoy your only gets better! That must be why Mick named his preamps after wines, they only get better with age.
Have any of you guys ever called Mick in Australia? I tried the number on his website, but it says the call cannot be connected. The operater says that it is a good number. They said to dial 011 and then the number, but no luck. The number on the website is 61897579786. Let me know if you have another number.
Ongkaku, Thanks. When I dial it I get a recording that says the number cannot be connected. I will try again tomorrow.
Hi Larry,

That is the number I called, but I just get a recording that the number cannot be connected. I tried calling the operator, but she was no help. She just said it was a good number.
Hello Mondie, I had the correct number, but I think there is an international call block on my phone that I will have to get lifted.
Has anyone spoke to Mick lately. I e-mailed him last week, but no reply. Maybe he is on holiday.
My preamp is about 2 and a half years old and the chrome towers in the back are shiny on both the top and all the way around the sides. I believe that some of the early pres housed something (not sure if it was the transformers) in them. Aurel, to answer your question, yes my Syrah does have a mute switch which mutes the preamp. I can turn my amp off first or my preamp off first and I get no sound through the speakers. I can't speak for Mick, but he may have left the towers on because it set the Suprateks apart from the looks of other preamps. You would have to ask Mick to find out for sure.
Hi Gang,

On the subject of noise in the phono stage with 6922 tubes, Mick told me in a recent e-mail that in the 2nd and 3rd stages of the phono that this is not a problem and that much of the problems with noise in the phono stages of preamps has less to do with noisey tubes and more to do with poorly designed phono stages. I agree with Ecclectique, when he says we need not be concerned with the tube choice that Mick uses in the phono stage. He is not about to design a phono stage that is noisey due to tubes or design. His phono sections are truly world class! I feel that my Sony SCD-1 SACD player is a top notch player with the Allen Wright mods that are in it, but with the Syrah's phono section, my VPI mk4/JMW/Dynavector combo stomps all over it! Man, I can't wait to get my Cortese!!!
Good to hear from your Brian, it has been a while since I have seen you on here.

Don't know when my Cortese will be ready. I ordered it at the end of October. I don't want to bug Mick about it though. As long as I have my Syrah to listen to, I am happy.
Does anyone know if Mick still puts tape inputs on the preamps? Seems like most people have HT inputs nowdays. I have never used the tape inputs on my Syrah.

I ordered my Cortese in October and have heard nothing yet. I would not be surprised if it were another month or two. However long your wait is, it WILL be worth it. These are totally amazing preamps.
Hi Larry,

Mick answered my e-mail last night. I was checking on my Cortese. Mick says it will be a while yet.
Congrats Kevin,

When did you place your order for the chardonnay? I am sure you will have many happy days of listening bliss.
Hi Guys,

Has anyone recieved one of the New Cortese preamps with the new 3 stage all direct coupled phono stage? I have one on order from Mick, but I am dying to know what it sounds like. Mick says it is a huge leap ahead in sound for the phono stage.

Thanks, I would love to know what you think of it. What finish did you get?
I have a question. Have any of you guys ever had Mick put a switch on you preamps that allows it to invert phase? With so many LP's recorded out of phase, seems like a good thing to have.
Hi Larry,

I sent Mick an e-mail asking about inverting phase. I will let you know what he says.
I ordered my Cortese the end of October. I checked with Mick recently and he could not give me a date, just that they are running behind. I am sure they are working as fast as they can. As the owner of a Syrah, all I can say is what many others have said. It will be worth the wait.
Hi Guys,

I have been without my Syrah for the past 3 weeks or so. We put in some new carpet, so I had to take my system apart. I have a friend that has been wanting to hear my Syrah in his system, so I let him borrow it. My friends system is top notch, truly incredible sound. Long story short. He is going to be ordering a pre from Mick. I got the Syrah back today (I had been listening to cd's through my Sony SCD-1 straight into my Berning ZH270). WOW! No comparison folks, the life of the music is in the Supratek! I really can't wait to get my Cortese now. Hard to believe it is going to get even better.
Just recieved an e-mail from Mick. He says he is being delayed because he is waiting for cabinets. He said special orders take longer. I ordered the Seaoak with black top and gold knobs. At least I have my Syrah back to enjoy. Now I am waiting for a new cartridge to arrive. I bent the cantiliever on my dynavector. I have a ZYX R100 Yatra low output (.24mv) that should arrive about May 15.