Preamp between EMM CDSD & DCC2 & Gamut amps

I am using EMM CDSD transport, EMM DCC2, Gamut M200 power amps
Revel Ultima Salon Spkrs. I listen to all kinds of music except hard rock. I would like to know what would be the best preamp (tube or ss) to use in this combination. I am using Lexicon MC12B at present. I need four inputs.
true. i tried the Gamut D3 in place of Lexicon. It sounds very good. Would welcome any better alternative. Thanks
If you feel that a second pre is necessary (remember, the EMM has an active pre stage), then most probably an ultra clear device is indicated. Of the few I know, FM acoustics and Goldmund come to mind. Aesthetix is well regarded -- but I haven't heard the hot-rodded ones (the standard version is very good).
Mind you, these items are expensive! I'm not quite sure why you need a separate active pre... can you elaborate?
I have removed the MC 12B and have installed the EMM DCC2 SE, directly powering the Gamut M200's, run the EMM DCC in for about 85 hrs.. am listeinging.. but i feel the sound is too analytical..
Rajupatel: I am pretty sure you are not talking about the EMM Labs DCC2 "SE" (Signature Edition). It is pretty much impossible that you have one.