Pre for Pass XA60.5

I am looking for a top pre amp to be combined with my Pass XA60.5 monoblocks. The rest of the system is composed of Avalon aspect speakers and a Wadia 381i.
An obvious possibility would be to use Pass XP-10 or 20. However, I thought a good matching tube amp might also be a good idea to get a special flavor into the system (but I would dislike a "tubish sound"). Has anyone compared different Pres in combination with the XA.5 series of Pass? Please let me know your experiences! Many thanks in advance!
I would also point you to the Purity Audio Design Reference (two steps below the Ultra GT). I haven't listened to it but I trust Martin G. DeWulf's ears. He is not prone to exhuberance, but he raved about it on the latest issue of Bound for Sound.
Dear Onemug,
Many thanks again for your time!
Did you (or also others) compare your ACT 2.2 with a VAC Ren. Sig. MKII or a Hovland HP200 or a Lamm LL2 deluxe together with the Pass XA.5´s?
Those units are also sometimes on offer as used items here in Europe and are (as I guess) in a similar price range.
Your answer also shows me that the XP20 would also be a quite good choice.
Dear Mwilliams,
What other pres did you use with your XA30.5 which were bettered in your system by the Vac?
Many thanks in advance!
Dear Kj001 and Vladimir,
Thank you for this interesting suggestion. The reviewss sound really good but it will be hard to hear such a unit in Europe.
The same is true for Placette kindly suggested by Erndog.
In any case many thanks!
I have not compared my CJ's to the others you mentioned. They are all top tier preamps. Hard to go wrong with any of them. One will ultimately suit "your" tastes the most. Good luck.