Pre-audition advice needed

I am building my first "high end" system. I am taking what might considered to be an unorthodox approach in that I've gone ahead and purchased both a MHDT Havana DAC and a Rogue Audio Cronus integrated amp sight unseen based on characteristics common to their reviews. I now need to complete the setup with a pair of speakers.
Room size: ~12'x14' with a large doorway to the right that cannot be closed.
Music tastes: Classical, blues, rock (nothing too heavy), jazz, world.
I live upstairs in an apartment so i would like to avoid a subwoofer. I am flexible on speaker placement and while I do have a wife, the W(acceptance)F=0 because my W(awesomeness)F=10. I would like to avoid speakers that have too narrow of a sweet spot since these would be pulling double duty watching TV and movies and I don't want my guests to be hearing crap off axis. Based on a week long research blitz here is a preliminary list of speakers that i have my eye on. I almost certainly want to buy used since bang/buck is very important to me. The budget is $500-$2500 (willing to pay for quality).
-GMA Rio
-Eminent Technology LFT-16 or LFT-8b
-Vandersteen 2CE
-Omega (something in the Alnico range)
-Devore Gibbon Super 8
-Merlin TSM-M
-Totem, something in the Arro-Hawk range (would also consider a monitor from them.
-Basically anything that is a good deal used.
What I am curious to hear from you all is whether any of the choices listed above would be a particularly good (or bad) choice given the front end I've assembled. I am also of course open to any other suggestions. One thing I am worried about is whether I might be better off with a smaller cheaper speaker that my amp will find easy to drive vs a more expensive, potentially nicer sounding speaker that my amp would find more difficult (not straining, just more difficult) to drive. I've heard two things about speaker demoing:
1. never buy without auditioning in store
2. you can't really know what it will sound like til you get it home in your own room.
Based on the many contradictory experiences you can read about for the same speaker, I'm inclined to believe more in number 2. Since I don't foresee myself being able to bring a plethora of speakers home for in home auditioning, I'm sort of leaning towards just buying something that is a good deal used, and if I end up not liking it, just returning it if possible or selling it and moving on. I know this is a long post and thanks for sticking with me. Any advice is much appreciated.
Based upon your amp selection and the speaker choices listed, I'd be looking at Merlin's and Devore.
Thanks everyone so far.
@ Elizabeth, yes I have a very good CD of lossless files with various songs that I know very well ready to go. I also live in Boston so there are several well respected audio shops around that should let me demo for as long as I need.
@Tvad, yes I do plan on bringing my amp and DAC along with me. The only problem is that I can't really burn any of the gear in beforehand.
@Pdreher, Are there specific reasons why you would suggest the Merlins or Devores? In a review I read for the Rogue Cronus they do specifically mention using the Gibbons and really liking the pairing.
Thanks again everyone I really do appreciate the advice.
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Thp57 - I live near Boston as well. I have four pairs of excellent speakers that I will be willing to let you hear. Feel free to contact me. They are:
1: Revel Ultima Salon2
2: Anthony Gallo Reference 3.1
3: Dahlquist DQ 10
4: Paradigm Mini Monitor

Regards, Aaron