Pre- / Amp for Eggleston ROSA

I've just traded in a pair of ROSA but somehow my current pre-/amp (Ayre K3 Mk II and V3) don't seem to to warm up to this new member. I'm wondering if this 87db baby needs some more 'juicy' amp type of drive.
I have a friend who runs a Krell KSA-250 into a pair of Andra 2's with a Levinson front end and they sound very musical, none of the usual attributes associated with Krell sound. In fact, when a Krell amp is partnered with the "right speaker", great music happens. I'm sure there are a few other amps that would work as well also.
so how about those Crown and Hafer kind of rack mount industrial stuff? I think they may still be cheaper than the vintage Krell or Threshold type of pure class A stuff ..
They're a fairly stable 8ohm load, so they actually don't need gobs of power. I've run my Rosas with tubes and SS; currently, they're making beautiful music with Cary 805 monos (not exactly a Krell).

The Rosas are very tansparent, so your issues may involve something beyond your amp/pre (ie, source, cabling, etc.)

I have a small section of the room ( a 3-wall enclosure about 10' wide x 9' deep with the back of the listening position open to the larger living room) for my 'hobby' and there's no way I can install the ROSA's according to the factory suggestion of minimal 8' apart. I can do 6'-7.5'. As for the front wall (the one facing the listening position) EW suggested 18-24" whcih is a lot less them many otehr speakers I've used, how's your placement perhaps for my reference? Thanks so far for the assurance, I'm goung cuckoo after 4 days of continuous repositioning.