Having lived in an area with a bad off grid power supply, I can affirm the need for surge and drop out protection. A direct short encountered in a transformer, caused a mega volt surge that took out most of the electronics and appliances of everyone in the community. Luckily, I had my audio, video and computer electronics, plugged into surge protectors. While the surge protectors were fried, they did their job to protect my electronics and with the exception of a blown fuse in my pre-amp. everything fared well. Some of my appliances, not plugged into surge protection didn't fare so well.
On our off grid, diesel operated system, it was common to have our power surge or drop regularly by 10 or 12 V. Having my audio gear plugged into two separate APC power conditioners, costing around $300.00 ea. did a spectacular job of keeping noise out and balancing the outgoing voltage to 120V +/- 3V. Even on this very bad off grid power, through the APCs, my system sounded incredibly clean and good.
Now back on a very stable power grid (voltage continually stable 120 -122 volts) with no noticeable RFI, my conditioners have little to do. Even when my large AC unit kicks on my audio system doesn't blink. When I see mention the need of a $2K, $3K or $5K power strip/conditioner and $5K power cords to make someone's systems perform well, I gotta say - I feel the urge to roll my eyes and shake my head just a bit.....Jim
On our off grid, diesel operated system, it was common to have our power surge or drop regularly by 10 or 12 V. Having my audio gear plugged into two separate APC power conditioners, costing around $300.00 ea. did a spectacular job of keeping noise out and balancing the outgoing voltage to 120V +/- 3V. Even on this very bad off grid power, through the APCs, my system sounded incredibly clean and good.
Now back on a very stable power grid (voltage continually stable 120 -122 volts) with no noticeable RFI, my conditioners have little to do. Even when my large AC unit kicks on my audio system doesn't blink. When I see mention the need of a $2K, $3K or $5K power strip/conditioner and $5K power cords to make someone's systems perform well, I gotta say - I feel the urge to roll my eyes and shake my head just a bit.....Jim