Power for Focal Aria 936

Hi all,
Just ordered a pair of Focal Aria 936s. Focal reports a sensitivity of 92dB, but a minimum impedance of 2.8 ohms is reported:

So how much power do I really need to optimize these speakers (large room)?
Current budget for power is only $1K, either integrated or pre + power. I'm certainly open to something 2-4 years old used.

Thanks for any suggestions/thoughts.
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Thanks for all the comments. After a lot of homework, I opted to push the price range a bit (ahh, don't we always?), and went for a slightly used Hegel H160. Can't wait for it to arrive!

I have the predecessor to the 936 - The Focal Chorus 836V.  Similar impedance dip.  I currently drive these with a Marantz PM11S3 which doubles from 100@8ohm to 200@4ohm.  These sound amazing together.  I bought my amp used for $2,400.

Prior to the 11S3, I used a Marantz PM8005 with good results ( and can usually be found used for under $800).  I would not hesitate to look for the middle sibling in this range, the Marantz PM14S1 which you can usually find used for $1,200-$1,400.  Its predecessor, the PM15S2 (same specs as the 14S1) is often available for under $1,000.