Power amps: Bel Canto v.s. PS Audio Hybrid

I´m seeking your opinions on the pros and cons of two power amps, i.e. Bel Canto Design eVo 200.2 v.s. the recently released PS Audio Hybrid Class A. Both look promising on paper and fit my budget.
Does anyone have experience, opinion, expertise, advise or just plain, unsupported preference?
My other equipment include Rotel 991 CD player, Adcom GFP-750 pre amp and Leagcy Focus speakers.
Although I have never heard the PS Audio amp, I use two of the EvO 200.2's as monoblocks to drive a pair of Audio Physic Libras. The combination is fast and accurate and delivers terrific and articulate bass. The soundstaging is phenomenal. The Bel Cantos can play loud with no strain or loss of focus. The only downside is that they are a touch lean in the midrange.

I have used the Bel Cantos with Magnepan 1.6QRs and Jamo E380s with similar results.
Check out the PS audio website, they have a review by a guy that has the BelCanto and he prefers the sound of the HCA-2, PS audio's amp.