Poor student with a SL-1700MK2, which needle?

I have very little money to invest in a nice system for the time being. I have a Technics SL-1700MK2 and the needle that is broken is a Grado (silver). Considering i know very little (especially compared those of you that comment on this forum) about turntables, I would love a recommendation.
I can spend up to $100 on the stylus, and yes, I know that is very little compared to the thousands many of you spend. Maybe someday. Thanks.
Dear Amerritt,

I have used an sl-1200 (very similar) with the Audio Technica 440ml cartridge. This is a top notch cartridge for the money. Needle Doctor & Music Direct sell them for $99.00. I was amazed at how good the sound was especially for the money spent. I put it on my Music Hall mmf-7 just for fun one day and it sounded better than other pick ups that cost 2 to 3 times as much.

It is easy to mount, compatible with the Technics arm, and durable. It has also garnered many fine reviews.

I hope this helps, Happy Holidays
Bennett (hififile)
I use a modded Stanton Groovemaster II ($200) in my KAB modded Technics 1200. Great match. I think the Stanton 681 would be a great second choice...

My suggestion would be a Shure M97xE. I have a v15 on my SL-1600 Mk2 and although I haven't heard the M97, I've heard good things about it. With a bit of searching on the net, you can probably find one for about $70 plus shipping. I've also heard good things about the AT 440ml.