Polk Audio LSi 15 - are these the REAL DEAL ???

I just came back from a friend's listening room where he has a nice set-up. Some megabuck amplifiers and digital front end, and for speakers, I had not noticed the manufacturer, but I assumed they were the ''esoteric, expensive kind''. After 20 minutes, he left the room to answer the phone, I stood up to check what the speakers were.What's this? Holy smokes ! POLK AUDIO LS i15 !!! I was floored by the sound, but more by the fact that a Polk speaker could find it's way into such ''high end'' company.

They sure sounded good, no make that excellent, but is it because of the excellent surrounding components or are they simply a well-kept secret ?

I am very much interested in hearing if others have also found these speakers to be good sounding for the money and if they really belong in a high-end system, or is the combination I heard just a fluke?

Any input will help as I'm looking for speakers right now, thanks all !
I've owned a pair of LSi15s for a year now. To sum it up: I have NO desire, or even the remotest thought, of looking for a speaker upgrade. I have a very modest rig (I may be the very definition of an audio enthusiast on a beer budget) that includes a Portal Audio Panache and Cambridge Audio Azur 640C cdp. Just like Jndean above, I purchased a pair of Monitor 10Bs in the 80's, and boy, did I enjoy those speakers for almost 20 years! However, the LSi15s are in an altogether different galaxy. I don't have any experience with mega buck speakers, so I can't truly say how the LSi15s compare with higher end, more expensive stuff. However, I deeply love and appreciate music, and the LSi's blow me away every single time I sit down for some critical listening. Properly set up, I've found their bass reproduction perfectly accurate, tuneful, and more than adequate. Yes, these are absolutely the REAL deal, and one of the best kept secrets in audio!! P.S. - I bought my pair locally for $750 -- the previous owner simply had mass market electronics, so he did not realize what he was giving up... The control the Panache exerts upon the LSi's is astounding, and the sound it produces through the Polks is simply exquisite.
I know I’m resurrecting the oldest thread ever, but I feel like I have to. I owned a pair of LSi7 bookshelves about a decade ago that I absolutely LOVED, and I ended up selling them to make room for new gear and regretted it every day since.

So im on OfferUp and see a pair of their big brothers, the LSi15 for $200 and just had to have em. They sound exactly the way I remember the LSi7 did, huge soundstage, great mids/highs, I’m thrilled I picked these up at the price I did. Guy selling them had no idea what he was sitting on. 
That's a deal ! I have owned a pair of LSi15's since 2005. And, I like them more today than the first day that I hooked them up. On good program material, the music just flows out effortlessly. I recently upgraded my cd player, and the LSi15's clearly revealed the difference.Good listening.
Great to see Polk getting some love.  I purchased the Lsi15's in 2004.  $1500/pair.  Loved the 15's.  In 2015 I purchased the Lsim 705 speakers.  $1500/pair.   Half price sale.  Love them even more.

Back in the day, AUDIO magazine had the POLK LS 90 speakers on it's cover with the caption, "if you ever wondered what the high end sounds like, this is it".  So my first Polk was the LS 90.  $600/pair.  Military PX.

Still have all three.   I also have my eyes on the L600.  Waiting on the user reviews, and the 'Friends and family' half price sale.


Yes it is 2024 and I just got a pair of LSi 15 speakers. Had everything under the sun. B&W,CM series, Have Infiniti Kappa 200, Duntech Princess, Dynaaudio Audience, Verious Thiels, Klipsch LaScalla, JBL L7, Snell, had them all. These Polk LSi 15 speakers are fantastic. Running them with a M&K sub, Adcom 555 mk2, Denon AVR 3805 as a preamp. Denon DVD 5900, Technics DVD A10, Rega Planet turntable. Very detailed and open. They LOVE power. Imaging and detail are both excellent. Placement takes a little while. Mine are towed in just a bit. The ring tweeter is natural and not a bit bright. Mids are equally good. Bass is tight. I would honestly put them up against anything I have owned, other than the Duntech Princess speakers. But those were ridiculously expensive. Fantastic value, as you can pick these up for 500-600 for a pair in good shape. Bargain of the century!