Please recommend preamp

I'm new at this but am trying to put together a nice system primarily for a large vinyl collection that can also play CDs and probably either a tuner or cassette player. I will have speakers in two rooms, neither very large. I started with the JBL 4312 speakers from my youth for the bedroom and then bought JBL L150As for the living room for $950.  I just got a QSC RMX2450 amp in excellent condition for $300. I think my next step is a pre-amp. What would be a good bet for around $1000?  I'm hoping to get it right the first time rather than test-drive and buy and sell; really, I just want to listen to my records.
Look at the Audio-GD Master 7. It's Chinese and built like a tank.
If you read the product descriptions the designer really understands power supply design. I have some of his older gear and it is great. 
Thanks everybody. I ended up trading some of my mistakes and some cash for the NAD C-375 BEE w/phono listed on this site just to get up and running. When I know more about what's out there and my own listening capacity and tastes I'll probably come back to these suggestions without being so overwhelmed. This is an amazing bunch of posters with a wealth of experience, patience, and goodwill. Peace out.