Please help: Do I need a preamp?

I need your advice about my system, I am suspicious about impedance mismatch. My system consist of: ML 39 CD player direct to BAT VK-75 amp and Audio Physic Virgo II, Stealth PGS XLR and AZ Hologram II cables.
The sound is not enough dynamic with lack of bass and a bit thin. The resolution and soudstage is fine.
Getting a BAT pre would solve the problem? Or is it better to change the CD player to the AA Capitole which has tube output?
I can not compare this two options so I need your opinions.

I agree with Reubent, using a preamp is not always an asset. In fact, sometimes it is a downgrade.

Jjmali, the poster is not using a passive preamp. The preamp in the ML 39 is based on the ML 380 active preamp. Wes Phillips (who's opinions I respect) had this to say in his review of the ML 39 CD player:

"You think your preamp is transparent? You're probably wrong. I knew this, of course, but I've never heard a CD player's variable output that wasn't more colored or coarse than a good preamp. Not even the best of 'em. So I was stunned by how good the '39 sounded going straight in. It was fast and clean—and more. More depth, more dynamics, more detail, more air... "

So we can rule the preamp out as the culprit, with a fairly high degree of certainty. There are other more likely causes, as I outlined in my previous post.

Since a couple of other posters questioned the cable choices, that appears to be a good place to start...

I owned a ML 39, upgraded to 390S, and connected directly to a ML 332 amp driving a pair of Martin Logan Odyssey.
The sound was like yours: lacking of dynamics and body, eventhough very detailed and transparent.
Therefore I decided to buy a preamp and, after an unsatisfactory trial with a ML 380S, I purchased an Arc Reference 2 mk2, getting everything was lacking previously.
Some times later, once I heard of all the troubles with the Mark Levinson factory closing, I decide to sell my 390S and purchased an Audio Aero Capitole mk 2 here in Italy where I live.
All I can tell you now is that I am not yet able to decide if I prefer the sound of this fantastic cd player through a very good preamp like the Arc or directly connected to the amp: the result in both ways is really good!
So, my suggestion is: buy a very good preamp (possibly a tube one) and connect your 39 to it, or swap this with a Capitole connecting it directly to your Bat amp.
Hope this helps
Consider upgrading your ML39 to a 390S. The 39 is a bit "thin" compared to the 390S, which is a far more engaging player. I have run mine directly to both solid state and tube amps; it has a terrific volume control and you will have to spend fairly big bucks on a pre-amp (plus interconnect) to beat it.

Thank you for your suggestions.
So the first step is to borrow a preamp.
