Playback Designs Firmware Update

Have any of the PD MPS-5 owners installed this update yet? Jonathan Tinn told me that it'll further improve the MPS-5's redbood CD playback. (I considered this a strength already, so I'm amazed that I might gain more in this area). I'm travelling now and plan to install it when I get home this weekend, but I'm interested to read what my compardres heard when they installed this firmware.

Ditto on the new update (19). I did mine a couple of nights ago. Very impressed with improvements, keeps getting better.

I agree with you, at this point I feel it has to be one of the better units out there. All subjective of course, so no one gets their panties in a uproar.

Also agree, the customer support has been the best. Other's should follow how well Jonathan, Andreas, Kevin, & Herve' address their customer base.
I lost my e-mail from JT regarding logging on to PBD web site to down load the latest drivers, could some PM me with the user name and password please, pretty please?
I second the comments on both how the performance of the unit keeps improving as well as the excellent customer support from JT.

Great support. Great unit.
Would someone explain exactly what is firmware, and why does it change the sound? Thanks.
Rtn1, firmware is software which is embedded in hardware. :^) Firmware are the effectively the Operating Systems of electronic devices. In some cases, but obviously not most cases, electronics are equipped with a way of updating that software. The most obvious example is the BIOS of your PC. Some firmware can be hacked, like the button combinations on the remote which will allow a DVD player to become a region-free DVD player, or at least I've heard about those things... :^)