Pioneer Elite DV-09


Wondering if anyone is using a Pioneer Elite DV-09 as a DVD player into a 4K tv using a component to HDMI converter.

 Problem I am having unit will display text but will not display the menu properly. So can not select scenes or audio selections. displays intermittently but can get the movie to play completely through.

When playing on TV with component inputs plays properly. Have tried different HDMI cables and have tried 2 different converters.

Is anyone using a DV-09 with a converter to a HDMI input and able to see the menus page and if so what converter are you using or is there something specialyou have to set up. I am playing on a Sony A80J and I also tried on the HDMI input of a Panasonic TC-65vt60 same issue. But when played on the Panasonic's component input was able to select and see Menus.




I use a DV-09 as a transport, a beautiful piece of equipment, and build like a tank.  But, I can't help with your question...