Thank you to others who have added since I last checked in. When you mention a headphone, I look it up, and read about them. From the humble Pioneer (found on ebay for $100) to the Hifiman, Meze, Dan Clark, etc etc, which are, well, more than that.
Two of you mentioned IEM's and I sort of realized that amongst my favorite head-fi experiences are my Audeze iSine 10's. My ears don't get hot, my temples do not get pressed, they are not heavy. The iSine 10's are no longer made - in fact, I think that Audeze stopped making that line of in-ear earpphones. I think I would like a more refined version of the iSine 10's as a daily headphone, and will certainly pursue the in-ear solutions. I very much like that the iSine's do not require a seal in the ear canal - the business end simply delivers the music to your canal - it doesn't need to seal it to make deep bass. I like not needing to be closed off from the world quite so much.
Again, I appreciate the suggestions...