Phono Inputs...what can I use them for?

Hey everyone.

Today is the day for stupid questions. Here's mine.

I've got a vintage Sansui AU-717. I love it. It's the first non-crappy piece of audio equipment I've ever owned. But I'm long past my listening to vinyl days, and I've got this great integrated amp with not one, but two phone inputs. What can I use them for? I understand they're a bit different than the AUX input. Something about voltage...

Could I use them to plug something else into? TV? MP3 player? CD/DVD player? What are their limitations?


Thanks for the inspiration, everyone.

If you can believe it, I'm not so interested in a second input box...unless cost is totally in it's favor. I love the amp: not because it has resale value, but because I *use* it. And I plan to keep on using it for the forseeable future. I don't plan on selling it. It's not that expensive to replace anyway. So I cut its resale value by what. Would I get $100 worth of value out of having one of the two phono inputs made into something more useful? It'll be something I'll consider.

Thanks for the explanations all. I had not idea what RIAA equalization was/is...good to know. Now I've just got to find someone in the Seattle area who can recap this thing, and replace the phono input into another AUX. Then I'll be happy until my golden years....
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Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer, I didn't realize that I could use the Tape function to listen to another channel. I've always wondered by the word "Tape" wasn't on the input selector. Hmmm...But, I see from the specs that the input voltage is the same as that of the AUX channel. I can plug my TV into one of them. That's what I'm looking to do. Plug in an MP3 player a TV and perhaps a CD/DVD player into it, so I can stop fiddling with cords and plugs. Thanks, everyone for helping out.
Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer,I didn't realize that I could use the Tape function to listen to another channel.
There are a lot of experienced audio hobbyist,engineers,and a variety of professions here.I'm sure you have your specialty that people here would be lost on.At least you don't have to modify or use separate switches.