Philips SACD 1000 or 962.

I’m thinking to buy one of these players. Does anyone own or has experience with them? It will be used for 80% music- 20 HT. Or should I buy dedicated CD player and get over with cheap DVD player?
Any input will be appreciated.
Both players are fine redbook performers, I did fine the Sony a tad thin in mid range, however since I had the Sony in my system, I have changed to much better, one would have to re-evaluate that "thinness" The build is much better on the Sony and the overall feel is better on the sony. Again, its almost twice the price (retail).

If I had the option again, I think I would still go for the 962 even though DVD performance is somewhat lacking as well as user functions... reason again is the SACD and Multichan SACD

I am not even sure the 9000ES is still being made ??

Here's a post of mine copied from AA:


I auditioned the 962 for a week. It's a fairly balanced player across the frequency spectrum. Smooth sounding, and on the warm side of neutral.

I found the bass a little bit overblown, loose, and thuddy -- not much detail or definition there. But in this price range that's not surprising.

A previous post said the player was much better than the Sony 9000ES. It's not. It's got a warmer, thicker sound (as opposed to the Sony's thinner, brighter) but the Sony is more refined. The Philips, however, has very good detail; only slightly behind the Sony.

Video is excellent. SACD is good (but has the same issues in the bass).

For what you get for your $500 it's not bad.

I'm waiting to hear the Marantz 8300.
I understand what 962 is. I still don’t know if 1000 worth extra money. I guess I will flip the coin.
Thank you guys for the responds.