philips sacd 1000 as a redbook player

taken at the $399 price, if the sacd 1000 was only a redbook cd player what price range ( cd players) would it compete against? and what highly regarded players would it best?
Finally, someone brave and fair has came out and stood up for me. Thank you so much "Socrates"!!

As I say in one of the other threads regarding with the SACD1000 (I was also attacked there!), it's a good deal for $400 (I said that many times here and there...) and for it's 1K class with it's $1599 MSRP, there are many many other strong competitors... People can not treat this unit like a $400.00 player because of it's price drop! It's MSRP is $1599.99! There is a thousand dollars difference there.... It's performance can only match up with player which is $1000 and under, I am sure many of you has read about the hi-freq roll off & it's bass performance here or in another threads, by the others. I was quite upset that this unit was hype up due to a crazy price-drop and when I purchased this unit, it was not as what other saids... and I, finally understand that WHY NOBODY EVER HAVE STATED OUT ANY SONIC PROBLEMS WITH SACD1000, is it because they will be personally attacked by the supporters of this unit? or they are afraid because they saw so many supporters of this unit here... they just don't bother wasting their time, because they believe their ears, not what other says...

People who disagree with my opinions actually attacked me with words. I was just telling the result of my review, maybe someone will also find the same problem I have with this unit and actually reply. If you were going to purchase this unit, maybe you will benifit from it also? If you agree my review, you praise; if you don't you, you write about it. That's all... Threads are for audiophiles to discuss, not for people to argue. Someone even answer one thread which I participated, with laugh and jokes trying to make fun of me, my comments and (even less-related) my typos... This is horrible! If you guys have anything to say rather than about stereos, please don't post them here...

The topic of this thread is "philips sacd 1000 as a redbook player?" and all I've been saying is that I don't think it's a great choice (as many many other have said here and in another threads). I felt the same with "Socrates" that why someone who gave bad comments with an equippment has to literally get attacked by it's supporters... There are people who like it, there are people who doesn't like it. Instead of taking my thread as a reference or an advice, all SACD1000 supporters just turn around and laugh at me, attack me... Is this just because this is a online thread, then there will be no bottom line for things?

If there is not ever anyone who complaint or give bad comments to a certain unit, all you guys will see, are just going to be the positive side of an equippment ONLY. I am sure while others are trying to get some advices or opinions on any item here in AudioGon Threads Forums, because he/she is thinking about purchasing that certain item; WILL want to know about the bad sides of it as well as the good sides...

I understand that S_an is a very good reviewer and he has his supporters. That doesn't mean that if S_an likes it, then everybody will like it; and he can go critisize my equippment set-up has sucks, I set it up wrong or suggest that I can stop bad-mouthing it...

I will stop posting reviews or any comment here in AudioGon Tread Forums because I am totally fed up with the situation I faced. It's also very upsetting at the fact that the few who has gave bad comments about the SACD1000 had literally get attacked by it's supporter.

Wish you all Hapy New Year.
"So, pardon me and dont get me wrong. For $399 tweeter price, it's still a SUPER DEAL. I am keeping one myself..."

Yes, I do belive that is what was said here and is indeed also the point of the original poster's question.