Peachtree Audio 2.0

I've been listening to my Canadian made Peachtree Audio nova150 over the past few weeks and just can't believe how good it sounds for the money. So I wondered who else might have stumbled across this Canadian made wonder and have an opinion.  What do you think?
I have the nova 300 and really like them but I'm hearing crackling noise everytime my cd player initially reads a disc. Have you experience this issue at all?
OMG, this is a common issue with their 220 model, and now it's also with the Nova 2.0. I was leaning heavily towards a 300 but looks like "make in USA" does not make a difference. Sorry to hear your new unit have a problem. Some cheap parts had been brought forward from old ............
Tested two nova 300 units and both of them have the same issue. Dealer said its impossible for crackling noise to happen especially if using digital connections. I used two Sony cd players and a brand new Cambridge transport, 3 kinds of speaker cables, two month old speaker, and even bought a new optical cable and same stuff happened. It's a shame coz' I think that this integrated amp is the complete package considering its specs. For now I will hang on to my old Marantz receiver until I find a similar feature laden integrated amp for the same or near that price range.