PC/Squeezebox v Mac Mini

O.K. I've got two options for a music server setup. Since I'll be using the DAC in my Rotel tuner, my goal is simply to get the music data cleanly from the HD to the Rotel, and to control the music jukebox in the living room (where the stereo equipment is) with a nice GUI ("graphical user interface" or "menu" for non computer geeks).

Option 1: PC/Squeezebox - Purchase a Slim Devices Squeezebox 3 for my living room (where the audio equipment is) and an additional HD for my existing PC in my den. Communicate wirelessly between the two and connect the SB to the Rotel via toslink (optical cable).

This option is about $400. From what I've read, sound quality should be excellent, but computer in the den will always need to be on and the door of the desk it is in will always need to be open. GUI (menus) on the SB may be small on the couch (18 feet away).

Option 2: Mac Mini - Purchase a Mac Mini and place in the living room with the Rotel. Connect the mini to the rotel with a "mini optical-to-toslink" cable, and to the Plasma display via DVI.

This option is about $700 (with cable). Better GUI for music selection plus DVD and photo capability. There is some question as to the quality of the digital out (which I'm not sure if that is a legitimate question or not). "Always on" should not be a problem as the box will not be in a closed environment, and should be quiet in the living room). The question here is really sound quality and price.

Option 3: Other devices. Are there other network wireless devices with toslink out that have a GUI that can control the player in the living room?

Any opinions and/or experience using the above equipment would be appreciated.
The Squeezebox can be controlled with a wireless PDA from the listening chair. I use a Dell wireless PDA which I picked up new on Ebay for about $100. Works great and I can browse through the 1300+ CD's on my HD in seconds. In addition, I can check my email and play games while listening.
I have been using the Roku Soundbridge M1001 for the past couple of months and love it. It's quite similar to the Squeezebox, but a little cheaper. While Mac addicts will likely swear by the Mac Mini, I think that a device having its own display is preferrable. You won't have as many control options with a Roku or Squeezebox, but you won't have to turn on your plasma every time you want to change a song.
The Roku has both optical and RCA digital outputs, and coupled with a good DAC (I use a Bel Canto DAC 2) and lossless file format (I use FLAC) it is very comparable to original CD quality.

Whichever option you choose, I would recommend ripping your discs at the highest possible quality, and get an extra drive to back everything up.

Good luck,

Derek Stewart
Vancouver, BC
Drubin - Mac Mini is the computer/server, so the only interlink would be the optical cable to the Rotel. That's really a big part of the question: is the optical output on the mini through the mini/toslink cable 100% "lossless"?

Others -- can you see the squeezebox display 20 feet away?
That's not what I mean. With the SB, it functions as the user interface for selecting songs or albums or whatever from your computer. If you use the Mac Mini solution, how will you make those selections? What is the user interface to the music?
The new intel based mac mini comes with a remote and has its own interface called front row. It basically looks and feels like the ipod menu system and allows you to chose DVD, Music, Video, or Pictures, and then control each with simple up, down, right and left on your remote.

(Since all my audio and HT components are run by my harmony remote, I'd prefer not to have to use an extra remote like a PDA. The harmony will handle the mac or squeezebox flawlessly.