Pat Metheny Nonesuch Remasters

Has anyone done an A to B comparrison of the just released Nonesuch remasters-are they remastered?-to the original releases on Geffen.
Is it worth the purchase?
Hello Pawlowski6132,

Yes, the series started with Song X and upon a recent visit to Borders I also saw Letter From Home and Still Life newly repackaged-although there was no description on the cover to what exactly was done to the release.
I know Song X has additional tracks but Letter and Still have the same tracks.
Hmm. Nothing older though. I'd love to hear American Garage, the firs Pat Metheny Group and maybe Full Circle.
Nope, not Full Circle but First Circle. I'd like to get Off Ramp in a remastered version.
Duhhh. Of course. FIRST Circle. I totally forgot about Off Ramp. James is one of my favorite Metheny songs.
I bought most of the early stuff on limited edition gold ECMs from Japan. They sound very nice. Would also be interested in any sound quality improvement in the newer releases as well.