Passive vs. active preamps

I'm thinking of building a passive attenuator/preamp and would like to hear some opinions.
Sounds pretty good, but "better than an SL III" is kind of a glib assertion. What's super duper is if your CD player already has a volume control.
serious bang for the buck. $ for $ will blow away active preamps. very natural sounding. much less harsh and digital sounding. phenomenal power and drive. At least try it for yourself. please see my post under system matching "theil cs7.2 and levinson amp and preamp" 3-12-00. And when your done making your preamp can you post the results for all of us. Thanks.
I have a Creek OBH-10 passive remote control and use it between my Camelot Arthur (last version) DAC and my CARY SLA-70 Mk II and PARASOUND HCA-1000 A. The high output voltage of Arthur (4 volts) works much better with the 150K input impedance of the CARY. Of course, the sound is very transparent and more musically detailed (with E34L tubes) but not as dynamic as driven by my Dynaco PAS-4 Pre. When fitted with Sovtek KT-88's in passive mode ther is a big, big difference in dynamics but less sweetness (correctable with proper cabling). My speakers are Paradigm Reference Esprit Bi-Polars connected with Straight Wire Quartets. Best results with interconnect are MIT Terminator 2 and Belden StarQuad (home brew). The Parasound with its lower 30K input impedance is much better off driven actively. Any experiences to share? Manny