Passive attenuator/ preamp

I am thinking of trying a high quality passive attenuator in place of my preamp. Does anyone have any experience with this or with Passive preamps. Thanks.
Less is more with an audio signal. If you have short connects to your amp, go for it.
You just need to make sure that the amp you're using doesn't need some voltage to make it "sing". I have a Mod Squad Line Drive passive "preamp" and when I used it with an Aragon 4004, and it sounded a bit flat. I currently have it hooked up to a Classe and it sounds really nice.
I've used a passive pre amp Audio Synthesis from England for quite a while. If all the factors are in place ie: short cable length, capacitance and resistance of cables are conducive to a passive unit, and the source produces a strong enough signal then the sound is pristine and clear. however may lack dynamics . Good luck Harvey