Pass labs X250.5 vs Jeff Rowland Model 10, or 201

Which one will be better to drive revel studio? looking for warm, musical, details sound also just moving from tube amp.
Matching preamp is CJ. Any info will be greatly appreciated.
Have you tried the 501? how the 302 sound with Revel Studio? and what cabling? thanks in advanced.
The 302 has been great with the Studio. Compared to Krell monos: 500% more detail in the music, all the subtle nuances are now there, where the Krells sounded slightly more veiled and dark. More open sound with the Rowland by miles. Not as much bass slam, but does a fine job, there. I think the Krell's delivered more current in terms of being able to drive absolute levels of volume. I think the Rowland starts to strain just a tad at ear splitting levels. I did not try the 501s, but it would have been nice to compare.
Thanks for the replying, regarding the cj prem350 I don't think will be a good match with the studio maybe I am wrong but have not seen anyone using it yet,
Never been a fan of krell need to check out the 302 but might be out my budget.
Interesting, and has anyone been able to compare the Rowland 302 with the Pass X350.5?