Pass Labs X-1, X-2, X-0

Has anybody auditioned the Pass Labs x series pre-amplifiers? Were there any substantial differences in sound quality? Please tell me what you think?
I own an X-0. I'm very pleased with it's sound, although its operation is a bit quirky. I haven't compared it (over time using the same speakers, cables, amplifier, etc.) with other preamplifiers, but who really has?
The X1 working with my Aleph 2s is an experience i wish could be shared by all who love music.
I agree with Zane, the X1 is a fantastic preamp. Mine is paired with an X150 which plays and sounds beyond my greatest expectations. It replaced an ML 38S which while very good, did not have the air or inner detail of the X1.
Hi Joe - I'm waiting for my used CJ PF-R preamp to arrive. If it's not quite what I'm looking for, I'll be searching for a deal on a used X1. My amp is a CJ Premier 11a tube amp. ...Abe