Pass Labs vs. Cary

Hello and thank you to all.

I am considering trying some Cary Mono tubes or 500MB with a Cary tube pre. What do you think. I use a Pass Labs X-250 and a X-1 pre now. With ML Summits. Thoughts?
I now own the cary 500's. I've had then since last spring. They replaced my Cary slam 100's that I had for ten years. The 500's are very close to tubes without the bother. They will drive just about any speaker. Although I am using them with a VTL preamp I"m sure they go very well with the Cary preamps. As I have posted previously here, I am very happy with these amps. I would highly recommend them.
thanks for all the help. I do run my current setup in balanced config. Actually, every connection that can be balanced it is. I look forward to trying the 500MB with maybe the 03 or 05 cary pre.
I would check out Wolcott. I use Wolcott tubes with my Summits and it replaced Pass X350.5 and the tube amp is so much better with the Summits I didn`t believe it at first.