Pass Labs amps and Avantgarde speakers


Does anyone has any experience with matching Pass Labs XA30.5 poweramp with Avantgarde Acoustic Duo speakers?

The XA30.5 is getting great reviews all the time but in my part of the world it's a little hard (say impossible) to audition on my Avantgarde speakers before buying.

My plan is to drive the XA30.5 directly from my dCS Debussy dac.


Best regards,
The Norwegian
I am crossed over between 4-5 and volume is at at 7.

I am allowing the Integra DHC 80.3 to run Audyssey processing on the main speakers and also allowing the Audyssey to crossover at 50 to allow the BG Radia BGX system to take over the sub-bass region.

If you compare the speakers with and without Audyssey, the system sounds overall better with Audyssey so far compared to "direct" listening.

Most audio purists are going to freak out over my decision to use Audyssey, especially with horns... but Audyssey makes everything sound so... right.

Bass equilization in particular is fantastic with the Audyssey.

I am so addicted to these speakers in this room... when I am away from the room or on vacation, I find myself wishing I was home.

It really is a religious experience!
I was hoping someone would try the fist wat SIT amps with AG. Surely a worthy combination? I am tempted
Mohano, i have Avantgarde Uno, Debussy DAC, and i will buy soon Pass Labs XA 60,5, to replace my Avantgarde Model 3; Did you drive you Debussy directly to the amp, and is it fine, including sound level? Best regards
I have added a pair of JL Audio Fathom 212 subwoofers sitting behind each of my Avantgarde Duo Omegas. It just happens that this is is the perfect location for best response from each of the subwoofers. I was able to crossover the subwoofer a bit high at around 100hz and crossover the Duo's subwoofer higher. The Duo's subwoofer is simply not that great for electronic music that I like and will bottom out during movie passages if the speaker is set to "Large".

The JL Audio Fathom's are so vastly more powerful, they match the extreme efficient horn speakers much better.

I find myself wishing for a pair of Avantgarde Trios to match with the JL Audio Fathom 212's. The Trios each down to 100Hz which would be perfect.
I just tried the First Watt F3 which sounded pretty muddy in the midrange and weak on bass control with the Duo Omegas. Had to send it back, not as good as the Pass Labs XA30.5

Even better than both of those however is the XA30.8... this unit is nirvana with the Duo Omegas. Worth the extra price. Super quiet, no hiss, sound extremely transparent and excellent bass control. The best amp I have heard so far in my system.

Beware it does not fit in a standard audio rack however.

I highly recommend the XA30.8. Honestly I doubt it gets any better than this in the entire universe of amplifiers. It excels in every way you can imagine.

I bet the reviews on the new Pass Labs Point 8 series are going to great