Pass Aleph 3 or 5 for Proac 1sc

Have a Proac Response 1sc and look for a good amp. Some stereophiler recommends that Pass Aleph is a good match for 1sc but wonders if Aleph 3 is powerful enought to drive 1sc. Aleph 3 is about $600 less than 5 in a used market. Your input is appreciated.

The Aleph P preamps match very well. I think the 5 may have balanced inputs...I'm not positive...but the 3 doesn't. You might want to try a tube preamp with the Aleph amps. They sound great, but they do lack that certain tube magic. One tube would help.
I would definitely pony up for the aleph 5 with the 1sc's. I heard a demo setup with the aleph 3 and some 1sc's. The system could be turned up to reasonable quiet listening levels but no further because it would clip. For a preamp I would go with an adcom 750 if you want to save money. I had one on my aleph 2 monoblocks and found it was a very nice combinatino. Later I substituted an Aleph P and found around a 10% improvement. The Aleph on Aleph combination emphasizes the ultra-quiet distortion free nature of the pass line. If you are CD only I would recommend you go with a cd direct output from a wadia, sony or resolution audio cd player. Those players have variable outs that will feed an amplifier. One problem with adding a tube preamp to an aleph amp setup is that it takes away some of this ultra-quiet quality. I tried a current model audible illusions modulus 3a & found I preferred the passive mode adcom 750. The 3a threw in too much noise.