Parasound P/LD-2000 preamp mods?

I own a Parasound P/LD-2000 preamp, and I am thinking about modding it, or having it modded for even better sonics.
Has anyone had a Parasound P/LD-2000 modified, modified it yourself, or know of anyone who does modify them?
What mods did you do, have done, and which mods are the most effective?
Thanks for your help.

you're welcome.

I have modd'ed 1 of the Para. 2000's, two of the 1100's a handful of Zpres, and numerous other manufacturer's pre and power amps.

With the exception of the vishay resistors (available directly from Vishay, but fairly large minimum order quantity), all the parts you'll need may be procured from or parts catalog. The toriodal power transformers are available from several sources on line, such as Plitron, Antek, Talema, and others.

As poster 2002 mentioned, the parasound circuits are done well. Once parts upgrades are done, these units really sing.

I used to think if one would spend enough money one could buy a pre amp or power with these parts already installed. Unfortunately, that is not the case; even with 5 and 6 figure priced gear.

A nice amp is the Parasound HCA-1000A. In its stock form it can be a bit bright, especially with the likes of Paradigm, Thiel, or Infinity spkrs. After the 1000A has been gone through, only then can one hear what this amp really offers for a reasonable price.

Taking the never ending upgrade train to sonic euphoria will never get you there, only with the truly good parts, does one begin to approach what all audiophiles are after.

As mentioned in the earlier post, if the para pre in your system does sound a bit lean or thin, it can be quickly corrected with a change of the bypass caps to a film and foil cap rather than the metalized film types that are so commonly used.

Best of luck in working through your pre.
Joseph Chow of Audio Horizons modded my cheap parasound (but excellent sounding) preamp and took it to a whole 'nother level.

He advertises on this site, shoot him an email.

Hello, the original transformer of the PLD 2000 parasound has failed and I should replace it
I read here that the stock transformer is fine to replace it with a larger 400VA transformer for example, so I could buy a 400VA one but I ask here if someone can kindly answer me how many output voltages must it have 1,2 or 3 for example?
Based on what, can I choose the number of output voltages? and what should be the voltages or the 15-20V output voltage?

so I kindly ask someone if they can answer me, I would buy a 400VA transformer for example, but how many output voltages should it have and how much should the voltage be 15,20,25 or 30 V? or higher or lower?

Thanks for the reply

Hello, the original transformer of the PLD 2000 parasound has failed and I should replace it
I read here that the stock transformer is fine to replace it with a larger 400VA transformer for example, so I could buy a 400VA one but I ask here if someone can kindly answer me how many output voltages must it have 1,2 or 3 for example?
Based on what, can I choose the number of output voltages? and what should be the voltages or the 15-20V output voltage?

so I kindly ask someone if they can answer me, I would buy a 400VA transformer for example, but how many output voltages should it have and how much should the voltage be 15,20,25 or 30 V? or higher or lower?

Thanks for the reply