Parasound JC-2 character?

Stereophile’s review of the Parasound JC-2 suggested that the preamp is lean or perhaps analytical. Is this preamp musically engaging? The Positive Feedback review claimed it sometimes sounds a bit sweet. I am not looking for a warm sound or lean sound. But I’ve never heard a preamp that completely neutral, so I would rather have a product that faults a tiny bit towards warm than analytical. Are there any JC-2 owners out there that finds the preamp to be musically engaging and natural? I have no way to hear the JC-2 so I may have to purchase with out an audition. Any insights would be appreciated.
5560, as a Parasound Halo dealer I suggest that you find a dealer in your area willing to let you demo one at home if at all possible before purchase. The reviews speak for themselves, but hearing one in your system will enable you to determine its synergy. Please be aware that Parasound expressly forbids their dealers from selling by mail order or over the Internet; all deliveries are required to be face to face.
My close audio buddy has JC1s and Vandersteen 5as and I have listened to music on his system extensively. What makes a difference are the upstream sources, not these amps. They are neutral, powerful and have everything you could ask for. They will deliver to the speakers accurately that which they are fed. What determines the outcome is the preamp and most importantly the quality of the sources, room and software.
Essentialaudio--If Parasound requies face to face deliveries, how is Audio Advisor able to sell via phone, catalogue and Internet? Thanks