Parasound JC-1 with B&W Nautilus speakers?

Hello All,have any of you had the chance to listen to the JC-1 and B&W Nautilus speakers? I currently have B&W N802 for LR front, HTM1 Center, N804 Surround. My Pre is B&K Ref-50 and Amp is B&K Ref-200.5. I am looking to upgrade my system for better 2 channel performance. I am starting with the Amp first, 2 ch pre-amp with unity gain for HT bypass and then CD a high quality combo DVD/SACD/CD. I will keep my B&K equipment for HT use. I am considering the following amps; Levinson 436, Mcintosh MC602 or MC501, and Parasound JC-1. I have already auditioned the Mcintosh and Levinson in my home and will be getting the JC-1 this week from my local dealer to audition. Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your advice. The problem I had is that Parasound dealer is exclusive for Thailand and they slap 30% premium on msrp. Therefore, it is not that cheap. I used to own the old ML 23.5 (200wpc)but it could not drive my B&W so I have been searching for the right amp in the past 3 years. I tried Bryston (forgot the exact model) stereo and monoblock 400wpc, but they could not grip B&W802N woofer as well as BAT. I will not have a chance to listen to jc-1 as they do not even demo the amp. I guess I'm stuck here. I may have to take the risk and plunge in blind; therefore, appreciate all the feedback I could get. I reported to Bob Crump designer of the JC-1 who feedback to Richard of Parasound. May be he could persuade the dealer the right way to sell jc-1 and I got a chance to try the amp if it fits my system.
Hey Tfee,

It's been 11 month's! Your JC-1's are fully broken-in, how about an update?
Hello All,

Just wanted to let you know that I sent the JC-1s back to my dealer a few weeks after I had them. I am staying with my current system until my dedicated listening room is complete. When that is done, I will begin the process of selecting my new Amps and source equipment for the room. I appreciate everyone feedback and information.

Take care...Tim