Paradigm Signature Servo vs JL-Audio F112

Looking to upgrade my B&W ASW 800 Matrix subwoofer.
The Subwoofer would be for Home Theater only.
Its between the Signature Servo and the JL-Audio F112.

Between these two,which do you think would be better
for Home Theater?

Associated Equipment:
B&W Nautilus 804s
B&W Nautilus 805s
B&W Nautilus HTM-2
Anthem AVM-30

Hey Guys,

I got the F113 subwoofer last week,and it is AMAZING!!!!
The funny thing is, that its very good on music also.
And we all know,that its Crazy on Movies.

Well you are most welcome! This is one of those rare threads with good advice and one that did not present diametrically opposed views (as happens all too often).
Reviving this old tread as I was itching for a new sub.
I currently have the Paradigm Signature servo and a Paradigm Reference Servo 15 V.2 in the same system.

I was eyeing selling off the Servo 15 and replacing it with a new sub.

On my list is the SVS PB13-ULTRA or the Fathom f113.(I found a used one for not too much more $)

Are there any others I should also consider?

BTW the rest of the system consists of the Anthem D2, P5 and all Paradigm S8, C5 and Signature ADP3s and of course my Oppo BDP105.

I think the SVS PB13 Ultra will complement your existing Paradigm Sig Servo very well and will take it to the HT depths that is so often desired. The Fathom F113 might mate a little better musically with your Paradigm but for HT, the PB13 Ultra is very difficult to beat at it's price point.

For someone to try and tell me that one subwoofer (or any AV electronics product, for that matter) is superior to another, and to "just buy that one, cause it's better", doesn't equate! I'd first be asking myself, which product will work better, in my system, with my setup, in my room, and basically make a better fit for my application.
Equipment matching is all relative, system and setup dependent and, of course, dependent on personal preference and taste. But for a subwoofer, setup, room and acoustics, and system matching and integration are key.
For instance, I know that the old Servo 15, as a sealed unit, was superb for both movies and music, could perform well placed near the wall, and was fast, musical, and potent for home theater, without drawing attention to itself. Some other ported subwoofer that's competing would likely need to be addressed different, and may or may not be as effective in the same setup, room, or system.
So for me to say to anyone that one subwoofer is better than another, I'd have to first qualify a lot of variables before I recommended anything.