Pairing with Vienna Acoustics Hadyn Grand&Rel B3?

I currently have a Denon 2808ci powering Vienna Hadyn Grands for left/right, a Viena Maestro for center channel and some polk in ceiling speakers for Left and Right Surround. I also have a a REL B3 connected via the high cable to the L/R posts on the Denon for 2 channel and RCA connection to the subwoofer output for HT. As you can see I do pure music listening and also some HT in the same room.

I'd like to get an amp that better drives the Hadyn's which I understand are quite thirsty. I also was thinking I would use the Denon as the preamp as I have a lot of inputs into the denon - ie Ipod Doc, Sat Radio, CD player, Sony PS3 (for games and blue ray), and hopefully soon a turntable. So - any suggestions for an AMP that would compliment my system? I am about 70 Percent Music 30 Percent HT. Thank you.
Yes, I am aware of that. The suggestion of connecting the Rel to the pre comes from Bel Canto. If you prefer to connect your Rel to the amp I suggest you go with Bel canto ;500 series, either mono or stereo. On Monday I'll investigate further with Soundings Hifi in Denver. They have a lot of experience connecting Rel subs to JRDG class D amps, which are of the balanced output variety like the Bel Canto 300 and 1000 series.

Apparently REL offers a 'digital Cable' whose purpose in life is to let one connect REL active subwoofers directly to amplifiers that have totally balanced outputs. . . that is active positive and negative leads. This cable has little circuit buried in epoxie, and a supplementary ground wire terminated with an RCA connector, which is to be connected to an RCA output of the preamplifier in the system.

The 'digital cable' makes REL woofers compatible with every current JRDG class D model, except for Model 102, possibly because 102 is not transformer coupled in the outputs. The compatibility of the REL 'digital cable' with Bel Canto 300 and 1000 series amps should be investigated with Bel Canto tech support at 612-317-4550, x.200.

For more information about the REL digital cable please call Sumiko Audio at: 510-843-4500  
Danlalane, unfortunately the issue of balanced output amps and active subwoofers is in fact exactly. . . a can of worms. The good news is that now I have learned a little bit more about this topic than when we started the discussion. (grins!) g.