Opinions please on older Sony ES Pre-amps

I currently have an old Adcom (565) pre-amp along with an Adcom 545II Amp and a fairly new set of B&W CDNT 9 speakers. I am replacing the pre-amp with a Sony TA-DM1000ES because I really want a remote for controlling volume. Any opinions on if the Sony will sound better or worse?


Are you a Patricia Barber fan? Reading between the lines I could sense from your post (second last line, a little rich for my blood). If so don't even think of retaining the Sony!
The Sony TA-E1 Sony preamp sounded why better than the Bat 51SE in my system. I thought that the Bat sounded more like my Sony(e.g. Solid State wise)...but the Sony is alot more detail and smoother.
the Soney ES-1000 Pre amp i bought in the philipines is working great the amp also the only problem im having is the remote was chewed by my dog and now i have to get up to change anything.