Opinions please on older Sony ES Pre-amps

I currently have an old Adcom (565) pre-amp along with an Adcom 545II Amp and a fairly new set of B&W CDNT 9 speakers. I am replacing the pre-amp with a Sony TA-DM1000ES because I really want a remote for controlling volume. Any opinions on if the Sony will sound better or worse?

I use to run a TAE9000es into a five channel adcom amp. The sound wasn't to bad maybe a little colored, unfortunatly I don't think it will sound better than your adcom piece.

Why don't you try an Audio Research LS-15? This piece has a remote and I bet it would light those B&W's up. In it's day it was very highly rated.
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So far no one has said anything too good about the Sony DM1000ES. The model does have the "DM" I know because I downloaded the owners manual from Sony. I purchased this on e-bay this week paid $162 including shipping, but havn't received it yet. It was sort of an impulse buy because I had a Sony ES 2 Channel receiver about 12 Yrs ago that I remember sounding great (powering an old pair of Boston Accoustics A100s and a pair of A60s) I will at least try the pre-amp, but have a feeling I will go back to the Adcom until I have the funds to buy something better that has the remote. I looked at that Audio Research LS-15 that Glen mentions, but it's a little rich for my blood right now (getting married later this year). THanks for everyone's help. Jon

Are you a Patricia Barber fan? Reading between the lines I could sense from your post (second last line, a little rich for my blood). If so don't even think of retaining the Sony!
The Sony TA-E1 Sony preamp sounded why better than the Bat 51SE in my system. I thought that the Bat sounded more like my Sony(e.g. Solid State wise)...but the Sony is alot more detail and smoother.