Opinions on the Zaph Audio ZRT Revelator Towers ?

Has anyone heard these ? If so, how did they strike you ?
I just finished the 2-way design with premium x-over parts and home-made boxes. These are replacing Maggie 3.6Rs. The only thing I miss is the huge soundstage. I'm happier overall with the ZRTs- no desire to return to planars.
I'll make a follow-up after almost a year of living with the speakers. No change of opinion. I installed the crossovers inside the boxes with no apparent loss of clarity. In fact, the sound is a bit better, I assume because the xovers are now tied to the drivers without binding posts involved. I tied the inputs to one pair of posts since they're single-wired. I still find them very useful and enjoyable systems. If you prefer the top-end on the relaxed side, you might want to get some alternative resisters and try knocking back the tweeters a smidgen. Just a bit, depending on taste/system. But no faint-praise here - these are fine loudspeakers with the supplied enclosures. If you can improve on the kit cabinets, go for it!
I built the ZRT's finishing them about a year ago.  I bought the drivers and crossover from Madisound.  For the cabinets, I bought the Denovo Audio Knock-Down 1.16 cu. ft. tower cabinets from Parts Express because I don't have table saw.  The Denovo cabinets are bit smaller than the Zaph spec, (1.33 cu.ft), so I adjusted the length of the vent using Bass Box Pro.

The result is great.  I replace Magneplanar MG 1.6QR's with no regret.  The ZRT as slightly more detailed with slightly better articulated bass, (IMO).

I can't say I agree with the negative comment about bass dynamics.  I find these very good.  I drive the speakers with a Pass Labs X150.5 and they sound terrific.

I doubt you could find better commercially made speakers for 2-3 time the cost of DIY.
I need to do a follow up to this post too.  I still have these speakers and love them.  I have been listening to a lot of speakers at several high end audio retailers as well as at friends houses as well and I have not heard any speakers that do what these do for this price.  Speakers costing up to 10k start to sound as good as mine and any thing less is not worth listening too.  I have mine in a 34 foot long room that is 12 to 20 feet wide (a stair case in the middle of the room chokes it down to 12)  I have them about 5-6 feet off the back wall and I have a large 18" sub. I believe the room size is very important to speaker selection and YMMV but these things dont get enough credit.  If you're out there John Krutke.  you da man.  my original post 2010. 10 years later these things still sound amaze balls.