Opinions on ARC VS110/Ref110/VT100mkll/VTmklll

Ref 110 $2900
VS 110 $2700
VT 100 mk ll $2200 and $2400
VT 100 mk lll $4000

All for sale here . Opinions please .
If you decide to stay with an ARC amp, I would be biased [sic] on picking up an ARC line stage or full function preamp. There's a natural synergy that's hard to describe. As I mentioned above, my set up is all ARC: Ref 5 line stage, VS 115 amp, CD-8 player and PH-8 phono pre. Everything just works very well together.

But to better answer your question, how much do you want to spend and do you run vinyl. If not, you don't need the phono pre. Also, if you are heavy into digital, you may want a DAC.

To illustrate, on the ultra high side there's a used ARC Ref 40 for sale now -- ask price is about $16K (original retail $24K I think). I see some ARC REF 3's coming up now and then for about $5K. The LS 27 has received quite a bit of great press -- some say almost as good as the Ref 5. I think used LS 27s are listing for about $5K.

If you come back with answers to my Qs, I can make some ARC suggestions. I'm sure others will have their own favorites.
Bifwynne to answer your question, I really don't get much of an opportunity to compare ARC equipment. I just fix it when it breaks. I do like the build quality of the REF series but then who wouldn't.
Bought a VS110 new 5 years ago, it's a beautiful amp for $2,700 used. Had numerous opportunities to trade up to a Ref 110 and haven't done it so far, actually I no longer have interest in changing it. Changed to KT120 which brought it up a notch I think (6550 had more than 1,500 hrs, the difference was very noticeable). With the money saved you can buy yourself a Ref 3. These two can sing together.